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Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) /Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)

The LCFF and LCAP represent dramatic changes in the way that the State of California funds public education, and EGUSD is committed to open communication with all educational partners to ensure that our yearly LCAP clarifies how programs and services will measurably improve in proportion to increased LCFF funding.

DRAFT EGUSD 2024-27 LCAP - Year 1: 2024-25

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Public Hearing/Approval
Two important dates to be aware of:
  • June 11, 2024 LCAP public hearing (during the School Board meeting)
  • June 25, 2024 LCAP approval (during the School Board meeting)

EGUSD 2021-2024 LCAP - Year 3: 2023-24

The LCAP is a three-year plan that describes the goals, actions, services, and expenditures to support positive student outcomes that address state and local priorities. The LCAP provides an opportunity for local educational agencies (LEAs) to share their stories of how, what, and why programs and services are selected to meet their local needs.
LCAP cover art with colored boxes and photos of students and staff
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Public Hearing/Approval

Public hearing of the EGUSD 2021-2024 Year 3: 2023-24 LCAP was held on June 13, 2023 at the Board of Education meeting – 6 p.m.
Approval of the EGUSD 2021-2024 Year 3: 2023-24 LCAP was held on June 27, 2023 at the Board of Education meeting – 6 p.m.

EGUSD 2021-2024 LCAP - Year 2: 2022-2023

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Background Information

California’s 2013-14 Budget Act included landmark legislation that greatly simplifies the state’s school finance system. The changes introduce the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) which represents a major shift in how California funds public schools. For nearly 40 years, California has relied on a system that included general purpose funding (known as revenue limits) and more than 40 tightly defined categorical programs to provide state funding to school districts. Under LCFF, California funds school districts per student with adjustments based on grade levels and demographic characteristics.
This major change comes with state mandates for new accountability measures that include the development of a Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) that requires parent and community input prior to adoption. District staff members are in the process of developing a comprehensive implementation plan that aims to provide a clear framework for EGUSD schools to follow. This plan would strive to connect resources to goals and accountability for performance expectations in a transparent and seamless process, and align with the new LCAP requirements.
The plan includes a description of annual goals for all students as well as for the following student subgroups: English language learners, foster youth and socioeconomically disadvantaged students. Furthermore, the plan includes a description of the specific action that the district will take to achieve these goals.
This new method streamlines the sharing of performance data, needs, actions and anticipated outcomes that guide the use of available Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) funds.
In its most simple form, this new model includes a base grant for each student and two additional grants (the Supplemental and Concentration grants) for students of low income, English learners and foster youth. The Concentration Grant is distributed to only those school districts with 55 percent or higher of students of low-income, English learners and foster youth. EGUSD qualifies at 59 percent.

Base Funding

Under the LCFF, EGUSD will receive the bulk of its funding based on Average Daily Attendance (ADA) in four grade spans (K-3, 4-6, 7-8, 9-12). This funding is called the “base rate.” The base rate includes funding for all of EGUSD’s students as well as additional support for K-3 class size reduction and high school career technical education.

Supplemental Funding

The LCFF includes additional funding for socioeconomically disadvantaged students, English learners and foster youth. Under the formula, each socioeconomically disadvantaged student, English learner and foster youth generates an additional 20 percent of the base rate depending on the student’s grade-span level. The funding is based on unduplicated counts of qualifying students. This funding is called “supplemental funding.”

Concentration Funding

The LCFF includes additional funding for school districts that have socioeconomically disadvantaged, English learner and foster youth student populations that exceed 50 percent of their enrollment. Qualifying districts receive an additional 50 percent of the base grant depending on the student’s grade span for each socioeconomically disadvantaged student, English learner and foster youth above the 55 percent threshold. EGUSD’s socioeconomically disadvantaged, English learner and foster youth unduplicated student population is approximately 56 percent of the district’s total population. This means that EGUSD qualifies for these additional funds called “concentration funding.”

8 State Priorities

The law creating the Local Control Funding Formula, specified eight areas of student achievement, school improvement and metrics associated with them that districts must address. The State Board has grouped the eight priorities into three categories: Basic Conditions, Pupil Outcomes and Engagement. Districts must address the priorities for all students and for student subgroups, particularly low-income students, English learners and foster youth.

LCAP Requirements

Under the new funding rules, school districts are required to adopt Local Control Accountability Plans (LCAP) that describe the actions, services and expenditures that support student growth. The LCAP clarifies how programs/services will be measurably improved in quantity or quality, proportionate to the increase in funding. It also requires the engagement of parents, staff, students and other stakeholders in the building of the LCAP. The LCAP is a three-year plan that was adopted by July 1, 2014, and is updated each year. The LCAP must include annual goals in eight areas:
    1. Student Achievement
    2. Student Engagement
    3. School Climate
    4. Parent Involvement
    5. Basic Services
    6. Implementation of Common Core State Standards
    7. Course Access
    8. Other Student Outcomes
The plans must include both goals for the school district and for each numerically significant subgroup (30 or more students for all subgroups except foster youth which is 15 or more). The plans must specify the actions a school district will take to achieve these goals and be aligned with the district’s annual budget. 

Resource Links

These resources links are listed as a courtesy to our website visitors. While these sites are offered as a resource for our visitors, the Elk Grove Unified School District does not control the information contained in the linked websites and accepts no liability for any of the information.
California Department of Education (CDE)
California State Board Association (CSBA)
State Board of Education and WestEd
The State Board of Education and WestEd’s LCFF Channel provides Implementation Insight videos for viewing to help facilitate local implementation of LCFF.
Laws and Regulations
Assembly Bill 97 was the major bill that introduced the LCFF.  Senate Bill 97, is known as the “clean-up” bill, which provided some necessary details and clarification to the intent of the original bill.  Both bills were signed by Governor Brown.


9510 Elk Grove-Florin Road
Elk Grove, CA 95624
(916) 686-7744
Mark Cerutti – Deputy Superintendent, Education Services and Schools
9510 Elk Grove-Florin Road
Elk Grove, CA 95624
(916) 686-7784